How Many Types of Off-road Motorcycles are There?

June 10,2022

Off road motorcycles are different from other types of motorcycles, and road driving is almost impossible for them. When it comes to the types of off-road motorcycles, they can be roughly divided into six different models based on the needs of use. Cross country motorcycle is a kind of motorcycle sport. They also have many different types of events. Because of this, more and more domestic motorcyclists are keen on such models and various competitions. In their eyes, driving an off-road motorcycle is far more fun than driving on the road.


off-road motorcycles


Civil off-road vehicle


This type of vehicle is the most common one we see. It takes into account a large part of the daily commuting needs, so it should be used more on paved roads. It has the advantages of simple structure and easy maintenance. It can easily deal with some shoulders and steps, and its trafficability is stronger than other types of commuters. In order to reach the environmental protection standard and get the license plate smoothly, they have no chance with the two-stroke, and the displacement is basically kept at 125 ml to 150 ml.


Track racing


The site off-road vehicle is also called professional vehicle. The seat height can be beyond the reach of ordinary users, and the lamps and decorations on mass-produced vehicles can not be seen. The tall and imposing appearance is like a hardline off-road vehicle. The strong long-range shock absorber can run freely in the off-road field, and its weight is even lighter than a scooter. The exhaust volume ranges from 90ml to 450ml. Small displacement models are very suitable for laying a foundation for children, while the power of a car with 250 exhaust volume can be described as mania. They emphasize the power explosion of low and medium torque. Of course, without the restriction of environmental protection, you can also see many more attractive two-stroke models.


Lindao cross country racing car


There is little difference between Lindao cross-country racing car and field cross-country racing car. The power adjustment is relatively smooth. The forest roads are complicated and the race distance is longer, so their durability is also required to be higher. Just like the Lindao race Kobayashi participated in some time ago, the real professional race is almost impossible for amateurs to run the whole course. Some Lindao cross-country racing cars will also be equipped with lamps to cope with the race arrangements at different times.


Long-distance endurance motorcycle


Endurance cross-country motorcycles should be familiar to everyone. The motorcycles in the Dakar race we are familiar with using this type of motorcycle. According to the regulations of the competition, the exhaust volume is uniformly 450ml. It is common to run hundreds of kilometers on a stage. At this time, it is difficult to cope with a fuel tank of fewer than 10 liters on an off-road vehicle. In order to compete over a long distance, endurance not only tests the driver, but also the fuel tank capacity of the vehicle will be increased to about 30 liters. There is a separate oil pump in the auxiliary fuel tank at the rear of the vehicle. In order to achieve fore-and-aft balance, the fuel in the auxiliary fuel tank will be used first. In fact, the Dakar racing car is only a representative of this type of vehicle. If your off-road vehicle can cope with long-distance driving on non-paved roads, it can also be called an endurance off-road motorcycle after being modified to meet a longer range.


Retro SUV


Rough off-road motorcycles will look much more elegant if dressed in a retro "coat", which is carefully designed and customized by the owners. With the characteristics of off-road vehicles and retro elements, a unique retro off-road vehicle was born. Due to its simple structure, off-road vehicles can give full play to their imagination when refitting. Some finished products will also be replaced with road tires.


Searching for an Off-road Motorcycle manufacturer from China, you can get high-quality products at a nice price.